Our Affiliates
trailrunners work with like minded affiliates for the betterment of dog’s health in sport
Galen Myotherapy
Enriching the lives of dogs across the world, through treatment, education and research. Galen Myotherapy helps all ages and abilities of dogs from top canine athletes to dogs with long term chronic muscular pain through detailed postural and environment assessment, unique massage techniques and rehabilitation exercise management.
Get 10% off the highly acclaimed ‘Galen Myotherapy Foundation Course’ and ‘1:1 Distance Support Programme’
Discount code: trailrunners10
Hug Pet Food
Nutrition is an important factor in the performance of any athlete and the same goes for our furry companions. Hug Pet Food offer the best choice of pet food you will find anywhere, whether that’s raw, cook-able or dried.
Their dedicated team of vets, veterinary nurses, and nutritionists have a deep understanding of the impact diet has on pets’ mental and physical wellbeing, in addition to specific medical conditions. Plus they are an ethical and eco-friendly company which align with the trailrunners values.
Exclusive 25% discount on your first order of Hug Pet Food.
Discount code: trailrunner25